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woods consulting
creating safe and quality environments for all children

Genuine safeguarding requires awareness and commitment from the Board Room to the Basement.
We've designed a suite of tools to cultivate a child safe organisation built on principles of accountability, proactive and child focused practice, prevention and continuous improvement. Our practical understanding of safeguarding principles and extensive operational experience empower organisations to bring these principles to life.
Reflective Critical Incident + Situational Prevention
Oversight Indicators​​
Developing a Safeguarding Framework
This one-day workshop educates leaders of organisations to know the impact of change towards being child safe.
The Safeguarding Framework Model, developed by Woods Consulting, simplifies child safe design principles by defining roles and responsibilities, assessing policies and practices, and reviewing systems on one page, in one-day.
Takeaways from the 'Developing a Safeguarding Framework - Workshop'
Safeguarding Vision Statement
Safeguarding Framework
Executive Responsibility and
Collective understanding of next steps for your organisation
Reflective Critical Incident & Situational Prevention
Based on child safe design principles and situational prevention, this half-day workshop provides teams involved in a child safe incident the space to unpack and understand the contributing factors leading to an incident.
We provide the theory in practical terms and use these principles to reflect on the incident, the good, the bad and the ugly, towards a collective vision of improvement. ​
Takeaways from the 'Reflective Critical Incident & Situational Prevention -Workshop'
Theory of child sexual abuse and situational prevention
Report of areas for improvement
Collective understanding of next steps for your organisation
Safeguarding Oversight Indicators​
This template and one-hour Board training session has been developed to equip Boards with the right questions to ask of their management teams.
This tool and targeted training empower Boards to know in practical terms the indicators of child safety within their organisation. It improves effective oversight and supports Boards cultivate child safety from the top.
Takeaways from the 'Safeguarding Oversight Indicators​ - Template and Training'
Tailored Safeguarding Indicators for your organisation
One-hour Board training session on Board safeguarding obligations and safeguarding indicators
Improved Board accountability and oversight of safeguarding practices ​
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